edX Quick Start Guide to Deploying SketchResponse Problems

This document is a brief guide on how to use SketchResponse with edX. There are two sets of information that you need to deploy:

  1. the python grader library that support your grading scripts
  2. the problem XML (which will include your grading scripts).

Uploading the Grader Library

  1. Run the following command from the root of the SketchResponse repository:

    $ python edxzip.py

    This will create a zip archive called python_lib.zip in the root directory of the repository.

  2. In edX Studio, from the "Content" menu at the top of the page, select "Files & Uploads".

  3. Click the green "+ Upload New File" button and upload the python_lib.zip file.


If your workflow involves importing an XML course, you may still need to follow these steps in Studio; python_lib.zip may not be detected automatically in the static/ folder of your course. The steps are not required every time you upload your course, though; python_lib.zip won't be deleted by course uploads.

Creating SketchResponse problems

  1. Create a new Advanced Problem in Studio (or a if authoring in XML).
  2. Use the following problem template, replacing the appropriate sections with your own content:
    <p>Replace this text with your own problem description.</p>

    <script type="loncapa/python"><![CDATA[

    # Include your grading script here (beginning with import sketchresponse)


    <customresponse cfn="grader" expect="See solution.">
        <jsinput width="800" height="550" gradefn="getGrade" get_statefn="getState" set_statefn="setState" html_file="https://sketch-response.now.sh/sketch-tool/v1/index.html#$problemconfig" sop="false"/>


    <p>Provide the solution to your problem here. You may want to include an image of a correct solution as well as text.</p>




Unlike most other input types, you cannot combine SketchResponse problems with other input types (or other SketchResponse inputs) in a single tag; doing so will lead to students losing attempts and other unexpected behavior.

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